১৮ই অক্টোবর, ২০২৪ খ্রিস্টাব্দ, শুক্রবার, দুপুর ১:২৮

And Then There Were None – Agatha Christie

শনিবার, ২৯ এপ্রিল, ২০২৩

And Then There Were None was first published in 1939, and to this day, it acts as the foundation of many mystery stories.
This story takes place on a secluded private island. A curious group of people gets invited to spend their weekend there. Their host is a multimillionaire whom the guests have never seen before. And the host is nowhere to be found on the island either.

As the guests talk over dinner and wonder about their host, their pleasant time comes to a halt when the first body of one of the ten guests is found.
There is a nursery rhyme hanging on the walls of the mansion. Soon a couple more bodies are found, and the guests realize that every murder matches the description of the rhyme.
The murderer is on the island with them. No one knows if anyone can live to tell the tale. Except for the dead ones, the remaining ones are suspects.
This is a brilliantly constructed novel. It is stunningly atmospheric and unsettling. The plot twists are unpredictable, and the story is able to make the reader feel dread and horror. This is an entertaining and splendid classic, and it is a story relevant to this day.


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