১৪ই অক্টোবর, ২০২৪ খ্রিস্টাব্দ, সোমবার, বিকাল ৩:১২

Words in Deep Blue – Cath Crowley

শুক্রবার, ৩০ জুন, ২০২৩

This story takes place in Australia and follows Rachel and Henry.
When Rachel left her town to live beside the ocean a few years prior, she left Henry, her childhood best friend, a love letter tucked into his favourite book for him to never mention it again.
Now Rachel is back in her town after the death of her brother in a drowning accident. She is dealing with her grief and trying to recover from the trauma. She decides to keep it hidden from others that her brother is dead. Incidentally, she ends up working part time in Henry’s parents’ secondhand book store. She is forced to work alongside Henry, and this story is about them reconnecting.

This is also the story about the bookstore. The bookstore here is a character in itself. The specialty of this store is the letter library section. It’s a section where you do not take out the book but put letters inside the pages and correspond to others.
The characters here are flawed and realistic. This book deals with various family issues, and this story is also heart-rending and beautiful. The writing is simple yet powerful. A story that will make you fall in love with words, books, and people.


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